
Rowley View Nursery School 

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Rowley View Nursery School - Our Environment

"My First Week"


Here are some wonderful photographs of what the children have been getting up to in their first few weeks back!

The Farm On Wheels - Tuesday 25th June 2024


We'd like to say a big 'THANK YOU' to Stella from The Farm On Wheels for visiting us today. We had a fantastic time meeting some of her animals, the visit was thoroughly enjoyed by all! Daisy Duck even left a surprise for us...

We got to meet:

  • Nancy the Nanny Goat
  • Sprinkles the Kid
  • Daisy Duck & Captain Drake
  • Millie and the Chicks
  • Marmalade and the Kits
  • Racket the Donkey

Father's Day Celebrations - WC 10th June 2024


We'd like to say a big 'THANK YOU' to all the dads, grandparents and other family members that joined us for our Father's Day celebrations this week.

The children have also made special cards and decorated gingerbread biscuits to take home!

Forest School sessions - Grey Owls


Our 'Grey Owl' Family have been enjoying their recent Forest School sessions! They've taken part in lots of exciting activities, including:

  • Making their own fairy bracelets
  • Creating memory stones
  • Mud paining
  • Home building for the woodland animals

Sports Day - Thursday 6th June 2024


A big 'THANK YOU' to everyone who joined us for our Sports Day this year! The children got to take part in various activities and they all received a special medal to take home.

Well done everyone!

Food for Life Award


We are very pleased to share that we have achieved our Food for Life award!

We completed 3 areas of the award, including, Food Leadership and Culture, Food Education and Community and Partnerships. We are very fortunate to be able to grow our own food and encourage food diversity throughout our School!

Sponsored Walk - Tuesday 21st May 2024


The children took part in our Sponsored Walk today to help raise money for our School fund! Our Rowley Owl children did laps of the local park, located behind the School, and our Rowley Robins children used our garden area. Some of the children did over 350 steps and they all enjoyed an ice cream when they got back! 


All money raised will be spent on new Classroom furniture so we'd like to say a big 'THANK YOU' for all of your amazing fund-raising!

Fire Safety Visit - Monday 13th May 2024


Thank you to the wonderful team at Willenhall Fire Station that came to visit us today! Some of our parents/carers attended the Fire Safety workshop covering various topics including fire safety in the home and what to do in the event of a fire.

The children also had the opportunity to look at the fire engine and speak to the firefighters - some even got to try on one of their helmets!

Storyteller - Wednesday 8th May 2024


All children that are joining Reception in September 2024 had a special visit today from John the Storyteller! 

John doesn't use a story book - he uses pure imagination and creates an interactive experience for the children. Using props and different tones of voice, John made the children belly laugh with joy during the session. Thank you John!


Garden Centre


The children have really enjoyed the set up of their own 'Rowley View Garden Centre'! Using our mini trolley's to pick out which flowers they'd like to buy.

With the arrival of the warmer weather, it's lovely to spend more time outdoors, enjoying all of the sunshine!

PCSO Visit - Tuesday 30th April 2024


We'd like to say a big 'THANK YOU' to PCSO Daniel Peck who visited us from West Midlands Police. He spoke to the children about the Police, what they do and how they can help if you are in danger. He also spoke to them about calling 999, if needed and only in an emergency!


Some of the children spoke to another Officer through the radio and some even got chance to try on his police vest - how exciting!

Blueberry Milkshakes


The children have loved making their own Blueberry Milkshake this week! We've been reading Oliver's Milkshake by Vivian French which inspired us to create our own healthy drink. 


"Aunt Jen is determined to make Oliver drink up his milk. But how? By showing him the joys of flavoured milkshakes! Join Oliver and his farm animals in this delightful and vibrant picture book – the perfect story for parents with fussy eaters."


We always try to promote Healthy Eating by encouraging the children to share a piece of fruit at 'Snack Bar' each day and sharing quick, easy, healthier lunchbox ideas and tips with parents/carers!

Forest Schools - Tawny Owls


Our 'Tawny Owl' Family have been enjoying their weekly Forest School sessions with Sonya. They have taken part in lots of different activities including den building and mud painting. They even get to enjoy some hot chocolate and biscuits with all their friends!

A*STARS Road Safety Walk - Thursday 18th April 2024


We are working with the Council’s Road Safety Team on the A*STARS programme to encourage the uptake of safe sustainable travel for all school journeys.


The four rules for Road Safety are: Stop, Look, Listen and Think

Stop at the edge of the pavement with your toes behind the kerb

Look right, left and right again

Listen can you hear any car noises?

Think, what do I need to do next?


The A*STARS team said to keep looking and listening as some cars and pedal bikes are hard to hear, which is why it is important to keep looking and listening whilst you cross the road. They also showed us some bad crossing techniques such as running across the road, stopping in the road, not looking before they cross and using a phone so they were distracted. The children were encouraged to boo at them when they didn't cross properly, tell them what they had done wrong and what they should have done to cross safely.


They used the acronym ADAM (A Door And More) for when you are passing parked vehicles. Leave a door and more space, when you pass, where you can. Car doors may open suddenly and if you are using the ADAM rule, you can avoid getting hurt.

Drumming Workshop - Thursday 21st March 2024


Nigel joined us today to share his 'Drumming Workshop' with all the children! They all had an opportunity to sit at the drum kit and use the drumsticks to create a 1,2,3 beat. They all had a fantastic time. Thank you Nigel!

The Animal Man - Wednesday 24th January 2024


We had a fantastic visit from The Animal Man today! He bought a great selection of animals for the children to see and touch. Some of them were even brave enough to hold the snake! A big 'THANK YOU' to all the parents/carers who donated £2.00 towards this activity. 

Living Eggs Scheme


We are super excited to be taking part in the Living Eggs Scheme again this year! Our eggs arrived on Monday 4th March and key hatching days are Wednesdays and Thursdays. The staff love this experience as much as the children do!

Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for daily updates...

Christmas 2023 


Our Rowley Robins children did a fantastic job of decorating their tree this year!

Scary Hair Day - Friday 27th October 2023


Today, we have celebrated Halloween with our annual Scary Hair Day! The children all came with fantastic designs in their hair, using different colours, creepy crawlies and cobwebs. A brilliant array of dressing up costumes too! 

All your £1.00 donations have gone towards our school fund which will help us buy equipment and resources for our children. Thank you! 

Rowley Robins - Snails


The children in 'Rowley Robins' have had a fantastic time taking care of our snails over the last few weeks. Some of the children were even brave enough to hold them! Snails eat a variety of foods but they absolutely love their fruit and vegetables. Their favourites are cucumber, peppers, strawberries and grapes!

'Healthy Eating' and 'Toileting' Workshops


Thank you to all our parents/carers who attended our 'Healthy Eating' and 'Toileting' workshops this half term! We hope you've all learnt something new and enjoyed taking part.

We have some more exciting workshops coming up next half term, covering, 'Play' and 'Communication and Language'. We hope to see you there! 


Some comments from the parents/carers that attended...

'I really enjoyed the workshop and learnt a lot about how to start toilet training'

'Got some great tips this morning! Lots of new ideas to take home and try'

'I need to be persistent, calm and learn to understand my child'

'The session was very informative. I learned new and better ways to get my son to cut down in his snack intake and try new foods'

'Very helpful, I've learnt more ideas to make meal times more fun and I am now aware of how much sugar is in Haribo sweets and chocolate'

Harvest Food Festival - WC 9th October 2023


This week, we have been collecting all of your kind donations towards our annual 'Harvest Food Festival'! All the donations of tinned and pre-packed food will be sent to our local food bank in Walsall.


Thank you for your continued support and generosity!

The Farm On Wheels - Friday 21st July


What a fantastic way to celebrate the end of the academic year! We had a wonderful visit from Stella and 'The Farm On Wheels' today. She showed us a brilliant variety of animals that the children absolutely loved...

  • Sugar the Calf
  • Ed the Turkey
  • Remy and Emile the Rats
  • Mother Hen and her Chicks
  • Spotty the Doe and her Kits
  • Candyfloss and Tiny the Lambs

'The Animal Man' - Tuesday 25th April


Today, we had a very exciting visit from 'The Animal Man' company! The children had the opportunity to hold and touch each of the 5 animals that Laura bought to see us - some children even volunteered to have the snake wrapped around their shoulders! A unique opportunity, enjoyed by everyone. We met...

  • Colin - Giant Hissing Cockroach (originally from Madagascar)
  • Kellogg - Corn Snake (originally from North America)
  • Bill - Leopard Gecko (originally from India and Pakistan)
  • Karen - Scops Owl (originally from Europe)
  • Esther - Kinkajou/Honey Bear (originally from South/Central America)

Easter Workshop - Friday 31st March


We would like to say a huge 'THANK YOU' to everyone who joined us for our Easter Workshop this year! Reverend Gilbert David very kindly invited us to hold our workshop at ‘All Saints Church, Moxley’ in their Church Hall.


We hope the children (and parents/carers) enjoyed the various activities, including making their own Easter crown! 

'Living Eggs' Scheme


We have all been super excited to take part in the 'Living Eggs' scheme again this year! On Monday 20th March, our eggs were delivered. 10 eggs for Rowley Robins and 10 eggs for Rowley Owls. Our eggs arrived on Day 19 of the hatching process, a fertile egg is most likely to hatch on Day 21 (Wednesday)!


On Tuesday afternoon, we could hear the chicks chirping from inside the 'Incubator' and they were beginning to 'pip' and break through their shells. One by one, they started to arrive - how exciting! It didn't take long for our chicks to 'fluff up' which meant we could soon move them to our 'Brooder Box'.


The 'Brooder Box' has some light to ensure our chicks are kept warm, they also have fresh water and chick feed. The children have done a fantastic job helping to clean the 'Brooder Box' and they have thoroughly enjoyed looking after our chicks this week. 

Science Fun - Cornflour Slime 


This week, the children have had lots of fun creating their own Cornflour Slime, also known as 'Oobleck'! By simply mixing Cornflour and a small quantity of water - your 'Oobleck' is ready to use! Is it a solid? Is it a liquid? It's both! A super easy activity to recreate at home!

Barn Owls - Library Visit


The children had a fantastic time at Darlaston Library this morning! They were able to take part in a story-time workshop, various colouring activities and were given a tour of the younger children’s library area. Each child will also have the opportunity to become a member of the Library!

Another week jam-packed with exciting activities!

Puppet Theatre


Our 'Rowley Robins' children have had lots of fun creating their own 'Puppet Theatre' this week. Using some of their handmade puppets to show their own story to the rest of the group - what fun!



Our 'Grey Owl' family have had lots of fun this week with their 'Woodworking' activities! Each child had the opportunity to saw, screw, hammer and measure the pieces of wood. They've had a fantastic time!

Mindfulness Mondays


In Rowley Robins, the children have been taking part in some 'Mindfulness' activities, each Monday, with Becky. What fun they have had - bending and stretching through Yoga and listening to relaxation music!

Fun in the Snow!


Wow - what fun we have had! The children have thoroughly enjoyed our few days of snow this week. They've been sledging around the garden, moulding snowballs and making 'Snow Angels' too! They even made their own 'Snowmen' called 'Billy' and 'Masha' - well done everyone!

Sparkle Day - Friday 3rd March


Today, we celebrated 'Sparkle Day' to help fundraise for 'Newlife'! The children were able to come to school wearing their own clothes (with or without sparkles) and donated £1 towards this fantastic charity. Using lots of colour and glitter, we decorated our own bunting and coloured pictures too.

'Newlife' shine a light on children living with disabilities and terminal illnesses across the UK. All money raised will ensure these children can receive the vital specialist equipment that they need. From specialist beds, buggies, wheelchairs and sensory toys, every penny raised will help to change a child’s life.

World Book Day - Thursday 2nd March


We had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day! The children came in to school wearing their pyjamas or fancy dress. We shared some of our favourite stories and each child received a £1 token which they can use to buy a brand new book from the World Book Day 2023 collection!

Rain Cloud in a Jar


In our latest 'Science Experiment', the children are using water and shaving foam to create their own 'Rain Cloud in a Jar'. Fill your jar with water and add a layer of shaving foam to the top. Using pipettes, you can add coloured water droplets to the top and watch as they slowly make their way through the 'clouds' and into the water - these are our 'raindrops'! It was a fantastic activity, thoroughly enjoyed by all!

Volcano Experiment 


The children have been taking part in some fantastic 'Science Experiments' over the last few weeks! They have been learning about chemical reactions by using bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. When an acid and a base mix they form a gas called carbon dioxide. Here the vinegar is the acid and the bicarbonate of soda is the base. It creates a brilliant 'fizz' reaction and sound!

Winter Wonderland Telford


We have had a fantastic time at Winter Wonderland Telford this year! It is a truly magical experience for both young and old

The children were able to:

  • Visit Santa in his snow-capped log cabin and Geppetto’s Toy Shop
  • Take a spin on the Winter Carousel and Sleigh Ride
  • See Santa’s Reindeers, Dancer and Prancer
  • Visit Mrs Claus and enjoy story-time with the Elves


Thank you for all your lovely feedback - we hope the children enjoyed the day as much as we did!


'Baby and Toddler Group'


Once a month, we are hosting our own ‘Baby and Toddler Group’ in our new, sensory ‘Hub’


Our aim is to provide a friendly and relaxed environment where parents/carers can unwind and mix with others whilst the children explore a new environment and play with a range of sensory toys and resources


We have had 2 fantastic sessions today - a big 'THANK YOU' to the parents that attended!

Harvest Food Festival 2022


From Monday 10th October, we began our annual ‘Harvest Food Festival’ and all donations of tinned or pre-packed foods were greatly appreciated. All donations are sent to the local food bank in Walsall.


We would like to say a massive 'THANK YOU' for all of your generous donations this year. Boxes and bags full of tins and packets were collected this week, your continued support during these tough times has been remarkable!

Travel Agents


The children have really enjoyed our mini 'Travel Agents' set up in School this week! They've been talking about where they've been on holiday, where they would like to go over the Summer and have had lots of fun typing on our special laptop.

School Visits - Sheepwash Farm and Brockswood Animal Sanctuary


The children have enjoyed some fantastic visits to Sheepwash Farm and Brockswood Animal Sanctuary over the last half term! They have seen a variety of animals (feeding some of them!), explored the play area and they even enjoyed an exciting tractor ride. What a fantastic way to end the School year!

'Living Eggs' Scheme


We were super excited to take part in the ‘Living Eggs’ scheme this term. The children loved coming to school every day to see if the eggs had hatched and to watch our chicks grow! We had a total of 16 chicks hatch - 8 in Rowley Robins and 8 in Rowley Owls.


One of our lovely Teaching Assistant's decided to re-home 4 of our chicks at the end of our scheme which is super exciting. The remaining 12 chicks will be ethically and responsibly re-homed on one of the many smallholdings and free range farms that work with 'Living Eggs' to provide safe and appropriate welfare.

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee - Workshops


In 2022, Her Majesty The Queen becomes the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee after 70 years of service. Thank you to all the parents, carers and grandparents that joined us to celebrate. The children loved making their very own crown for our Jubilee Party - it was fantastic to see how creative they all are!

Ukrainian Refugees - Donations

We would like to say a huge 'THANK YOU' to everyone who has made donations towards Ukrainian Refugees! We have received an incredible amount of essential items and your support is very much appreciated


We've received...

12 bags of nappies

18 packets of wipes

10 packets of sanitary products

46 toothbrushes and toothpaste

39 soaps, shower gels and shampoo

and so much more!


Thank you everyone for your generosity!
