
Rowley View Nursery School 

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Useful Information

Dad's Stay and Play - 15th June 2024

Speech and Language Drop-in Advice Session - 11th June 2024

FREE SESSION - Sugar Craft Taster Workshop: Monday 3rd June 2024

Top Tips - How to prevent choking in children?

STAY – Stay with children when they are eating – it is the biggest thing you can do for them

STILL – Get children to sit still – it can be a battle, but it is much safer

CUT UP - foods that are round, hard, chunky, doughy, or stodgy

  • Sausages or hot dogs – cut into short, narrow strips lengthways as thin as possible. Removing the skin makes them easier to swallow
  • Meat – cut into strips and remove any bones, skin, or fat
  • Fruit – check for pips or stones and remove them
  • Round fruit (grapes, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, and cherry tomatoes) – cut lengthways and then into quarters
  • Vegetables and larger fruit (melon, apple, mango, carrot, and cucumber) – cut into thin strips, grate or mash, steam, or simmer
  • Legumes (chickpeas and butter beans) – mash or steam to soften them
  • Nuts and seeds – chop or flake (Whole nuts should not be given to under 5’s)
  • Cheese – cut into narrow batons or strips
  • Bread - Cut all types of bread into narrow strips. White bread can form a doughy ball, so brown or toasted bread is a good option
  • Remove skin from fruits or vegetables to make them easier to swallow.

AVOID these foods – for babies and young children

  • Popcorn
  • Marshmallows
  • Round Hard Sweets – including lollipops
  • Mini-Eggs
  • Jelly cubes
  • Peanut butter (but ok to use as a spread)
  • Whole grapes

Safer Sleep in Winter

Guidance for Covid 19

Parent / Carer support during the Coronavirus outbreak

If you are a parent or carer, we hope you will find the web links below useful...
